Déan dearmad glan ar Searlaí, seo Rang 5/6 agus an Monarcha Seacláide!
Forget Charlie, this is Rang 5/6 and the Chocolate Factory!
Bhí lá iontach againn sa monarcha seacláide ‘NearyNógs’ i gCill Chaoil 🏭🍫. D’fhoghlaim a lán faoi seacláide mar phlanda, mar toradh agus ansin mar bharra ar ndóigh!
We had a great day today in NearyNógs chocolate factory in Kilkeel. We learnt a lot about chocolate as a plant 🌱, as a fruit and as a bar of course!
Chonaic muid an phróiseas ó pónaire go barra!🍫
We were able to witness the complete step by step process from bean to bar
Bhí deis againn samplaí a ithe agus a ól- an raibh a fhios agat go bhfuil sú seacláide ann fosta?! 😲 Thaitin sé go mór linn!
We were able to sneak a few samples 🤫☕️🍫- who knew there was actually chocolate juice too?! 🧃 We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! 😁
Buíochas mór le Peter agus an foireann NearyNógs uilig! Ní i bhfad go mbeadh muid ar ais! 😁🤗
A big thank you to Peter our tour guide and the whole NearyNógs team! It’ll not be long until you see us again I’m sure! 😊