An Chéad Fhaoistín

Today we celebrated Rang 3's First Confession!
Comhghairdeas leis na páistí i rang a 3 a bhí ag céiliúradh an Chéad Fhaoistín inné. D’oibrigh sibh go crua, tá muid iontach bródúil asaibh uilig! Maith sibh! 👏🏼 Buíochas mór le Cór na Scoile a chur go mór leis an Sacraimint. 🎤
Congratulations to the Rang 3 pupils who made their First Confession yesterday. You all worked very hard, we are so proud of you all! Well done! 👏🏼 Thank you to our school choir who sang beautifully throughout the Sacrament. 🎤