Ceardlann Tools for Solidarity
Published 10/05/23
Tools for Solidarity workshop
Tools for Solidarity workshop
Today the children in the IU completed their Sponsored Walk for Trócaire.
What a day! Our trip to Titanic Belfast!
A "titanic" effort! Sár-iarracht! 😃
WALT: Measure Distances (mm, cm, m, km)
Lá Lán le Stocaí! / A day filled with socks!
An lá is fearr sa fhéilire! Best day in the diary!
Rang 6 & 7 children got a taste of secondary school life at Ardscoil Naomh Malmaodhóg. They had a great time and benefited greatly from the lessons provided
Bhí lá iontach againn sa scoil ar lá Domhanda na leabhar!
Popcorn le do thoil!
Titanic and Minecraft!
Webinar with Irish Aid