Maith thú Róise! 🩰
Published 03/02/23
Comhghairdeas le Róise mar gheall ar a teastais ballet!
Comhghairdeas le Róise mar gheall ar a teastais ballet!
An t-aon rud níos fearr na tionscadal ná tionscadal seacláide! The only thing better than a project is a chocolate project!
Happy St Brigit's Day to you all!
A chocolatey scientific investigation!
Forget Charlie, this is Rang 5/6 and the Chocolate Factory!
Rang 3-7 attended the PYC Pantomime... Oh, no they didn't! Oh yes they did!
Rang 5/6 putting Fairtrade the hot seat!
A celebration of Fairtrade farmers with junk art!
Our "Nollaig" poems!
Hó Hó Hó!
Rang 5/6 have been asking the big questions... why do we poo?