Stopmotion: Lagann Íosa an Stoirm
Stopmotion: Jesus calms the storm
I Rang 5/6, tá muid ag léamh agus ag plé an scéal "Lagann Íosa an Stoirm" faoi Íosa agus a dheisceabal, agus an chiall atá bainte leis agus ár gcreidimh. Thaifead na daltaí iad féin ag bain úsáid as an aip Stopmotion leis an scéal a chur i láthair!
In Rang 5/6, we are reading and discussing the story "Jesus calms the storm" about Jesus and his disciples, and the meaning connected to to this story and our beliefs. The pupils recorded themselves using the Stopmotion app to present the story!